Keystone Agency LLC
For Business Solutions in Okinawa
About Keystone Agency
Based in Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan, Keystone Agency LLC specializes in providing business administrative support as well as translation and interpretation services to private-sector businesses and US military contractors. We pride ourselves on our ability to bridge language gaps and connect businesses with the resources they need to succeed. Our experience and dedicated services give startups as well as established enterprises the confidence they need to capitalize on the endless potential of today’s unique marketplace.
Keystone Agency is more than a conventional translation agency; we specialize in the effective communication of objectives in various modes, whether it is on a task, project, or ongoing basis. We utilize a wide range of IT solutions to maximize productivity while minimizing cost, which allows us to deliver our services at the most competitive rates in the market—efficiency is the keystone of our operation.
Keystone Agency is more than a conventional translation agency; we specialize in the effective communication of objectives in various modes, whether it is on a task, project, or ongoing basis. We utilize a wide range of IT solutions to maximize productivity while minimizing cost, which allows us to deliver our services at the most competitive rates in the market—efficiency is the keystone of our operation.
Products from Keystone Agency LLC
Business Permit & Licensing
Apply for a business permit or license in Okinawa
Business Registration & Incorporation
Register or incorporate your business in Okinawa

Keystone Agencyが長年培った膨大な翻訳データを収録し、AIとかけ合わせることで誰でも手軽にかつ安価に翻訳を可能にする業界初の唯一無二な図面翻訳ソリューションです。
- 図面翻訳に最適化されたAIが、長年の膨大な翻訳データを基に高精度な翻訳を提供いたします。
- 翻訳したい箇所を選択してAIが提示してきた翻訳を承認するだけの操作で、数秒で誰でも翻訳が可能です。
- 翻訳会社に依頼するよりも圧倒的に低コストで、必要な箇所だけを選んで最小限の費用で翻訳ができます。

Apply for a food business permit, secondhand dealer’s license, and other permits and licenses required to operate your business legally in Okinawa, Japan.

Register your business as a sole proprietor or incorporate a kabushiki kaisha (equivalent to a stock company) or godo kaisha (equivalent to a limited liability company) in Okinawa, Japan.

- モバイルSIM、インターネットの提供
- お部屋探し、家賃保証サービス
- クレジットカードや自動車ローンなどのファイナンスサービス
- 通訳、翻訳を含めた生活支援サービス

- 起業支援
- 在留ビザ取得支援
- 経理、労務、税務をはじめとしたバックオフィス業務(翻訳、通訳を含む)
Company Overview
- Company name
- Keystone Agency LLC
- Address
- Suite 104, 1-22-18 Chuo, Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan 904-0004
- Phone
- 050-5532-2088
(omit first zero for international calls)
- Business hours
- 9 AM - 6 PM JST
Monday - Friday
(closed on weekends and Japanese holidays)
- Number of employees
- 4
- Founded
- April 2014

- Keystone Agency LLC
- Director
Helping to Find Solutions for Language Barriers
Keystone Agencyは、英文事務、翻訳・通訳、米軍事業者登録・入札支援サービスを提供しております。お客様のチームの延長として英語と日本語でのコミュニケーションを補助する仕事に努めてまいります。業界における豊富な技術や知識をお持ちでありながらも、言語が妨げとなっている個人や法人の皆様に、言語と文化の両方において精通した専門知識を持って、サービスを提供いたします。
Ask us anything!

- Keystone Agency LLC
- We will get back with you with in 2 to 3 business days.